Ten Metal Bands That Would Fit Perfectly On Trappist1

So there we have it! NASA have made a huge potentially life changing discovery in finding Trappist1 and seven earth like inhabitable planets. So naturally we thought, what would happen if you were to send Metal bands out to space and what Metal bands would be the spaciest? So we give you, Ten Metal Bands That Would Fit Perfectly On Trappist1!

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Bloodstock 2016 : Day Two

After the absolutely phenomenal first day’s proceedings the bar was set incredibly high for Saturday. As the crowd thankfully weren’t needed to evacuate their slowly sinking tents owing to the constant beam of beautiful sunshine, save for that terrifying moment when we all woke up and heard rain, the ground had stayed firm. Walking / stumbling / running into the main stage area we were greeted with the roar of approval brought forth from the English take on Death ‘n’ Roll that is Vallenfyre.

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