They’ve been partying, they’ve been massively aggressive. Now, after their small stint in space, The Waste are back five years on to kick some ass. Here’s why it’s going to be brilliant.
Zeal & Ardor’s Manuel Gagneux – A Musical Tinkerer
One of the most important scientists to have ever lived, Sir Isaac Newton and the Apple is a classic story on ingenuity. For those who might not know, Newton was sat down when all of a sudden an Apple fell from the tree and hit his head. Inspiring the idea that created what we now know in the modern day as gravity. Winding further back in humanity’s timeline to the ancient Greeks, the people proclaimed Gallileo to be stark raving mad for claiming that instead of being flat, that the earth was in fact a sphere. Not quite understanding the sheer level of intellectual ingenuity put forward people are often scared by change.
Take a Walk Through The “Never” And Join Decapitated In The Anticult
One of the most exciting bands to have ever come out of Poland. At The young age of sixteen, Decapitated unveiled Winds of Creation. A record that even by today’s standards is held up in incredibly high regard. Being plagued with all manner of setbacks, some far more impactful than others, tenacity has been the band’s mantra throughout their career and today they have announced a brand new chapter in the form of new album Anticult.
2017 And Some Of The Best So Far
Despite it only being April, there have been some absolutely staggeringly good releases so far. I thought that it might be pertinent to show just what kind of calibre of releases we have been treated to in the first four months of the year and its an absolute white wash across the board of talent.
Carach Angren Want You To Meet “Charlie”
Originality in Metal is a trait that is necessary in the modern world to be able to make it. Set to release their brand new album, the incredibly catchy, Dance and Laugh Amongst The Rotten, Carach Angren are gearing up for a new chapter in their morbid story. For those unfamiliar with the band, the trio have created their own niche with the telling of ghost stories in a format of Symphonic Black Metal and their latest, dude June 16th is set to be their most ferocious yet with brand new song “Charlie”.
Ten Years Later – Dimmu Borgir And In Sorte Diaboli
Celebrating the milestone that is a ten year anniversary, Dimmu Borgir’s In Sorte Diaboli turned ten on April 23rd. A landmark album for the band and vicious statement of Black Metal intent, join me as I look back at the record ten years on.
June Is Death Metal Month
It seems that the Death Metal gods have smiled upon the month of June to be the month where the deluge of Metal is to be set upon us.
What Makes Creeper So Catchy?!
Potentially one of the most talked about bands of late, Creeper are THE hot topic at the moment. Having somewhat buried my head in the sand regarding the band, I was somewhat late in catching the Creeper fever. Which made me wonder, what is it that is making this British group so catchy!