Album Review : Iamthemorning – Lighthouse

Manifested in limitless forms depression can be one of the most malicious ef entities. The metaphorical weight of the mind crippling the will for even the simplest of things. Present in life for centuries yet still foreign and misunderstood foe , bouts of hysteria may ebb and flow leaving the illusion of safety. Aiming to study this affliction Iamthemorning create Lightouse.  Loosely based on the life of Virginia Woolf, the Russian duo welcome us into their world of introspection and fierce search for understanding.


  1. I Came Before The Water Pt I
  2. Too Many Years
  3. Clear Clearer
  4. Sleeping Pills
  5. Libretto Horror
  6. Lighthouse (Feat. Mariusz Duda)
  7. Harmony
  8. Matches
  9. Belighted
  10. Chalk And Coal
  11. I Came Before The Water Pt II
  12. Post Scriptum
    [release_date]April 1st 2016[/release_date]

Mirroring the thematics of the loose concept, introduction of “I Came Before The Water Pt I” introduces us to our doomed protagonist, setting the lachrymose tone perfectly. In an ever enduring sense of contradiction our protagonist strives to understand this inescapable ideal of life. Fluctuating from complete hopelessness to the calm of understanding the likes of “Clearer Clear” conjures introspection with solemn clarinet peppered with our singers velvet touch as inquisitive instruments slowly make their way out of the woodwork. Though more rhythmic approach of “Too Many Years” sees our pianist flex his muscles with some interesting time signatures thrown in.Brewing a sense of the magical gives the album a sense of beguiled reverie helped by the use of choir sections before a grounding of realisation with the appearance of a more minor tone. 
Expertly speaking a language of emotion  minimalist transitions “Libretto Horror” illustrate the trickling sadness causing a feeling of being adrift in context for our character. Songs beginning in an major key slowly turn minor echo the manic depressive tendencies beautifully.”Sleeping Pills” again brings this haze of dream like sequences slowly spiralling out of the comfort zone of melody. A tightrope of emotion, depression can have the most subtle of triggers. Title track “Lighthouse” a definitive set piece in the album creates a painfully honest portrayal of loss. An emotional gut punch coupled with Mariusz Duda’s ineffective reassuring vocals exhibiting a pragmatic understanding contrast with the unravelling mindset of our protagonist. Escaping the real to enter the land of hope and possibility day dreamers of a life just out of reach. Iamthemorning expertly navigate the unpredictable crevace of sadness with not only melodies but fantastic lyrics seamlessly beautiful yet emotionally cracked.

Coming to the sad realisation, for those who are fans of Woolf you’ll know it doesn’t end well. The pin drop of “Chalk and Coal” sees our character succumb to unhappiness before emotional coda of “I Came Before The Water Pt II” returns to the sound of waves as were led hand in hand with our persona to the calm sea for the final understanding. With music as poignant as its subject matter Lighthouse is an absolute musical and emotional triumph. Utilizing graceful vocals and haunting piano completely absorbs the listener from the minimalist music flutters from the likes of Canterbury sounding instrumental “Harmony”. Lightouse is truly a fascinating, honest and truly impassioned portrayal of the convuluted quest in cognisance of emotion.

[why]With Lighthouse Iamthemorning have created a beautiful study of depression. Fluid, enrapturing and truly unforgettable the album is an absolute masterpiece.[/why]

If you like what you read / heard then you can pick up Iamthemorning’s brand new album Lighthouse here!

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