The Final Tech Fest Interview With : Rich and Ross (Haken)

Saving one of the best for last we come to the end of our Tech Fest interviews with the magnificent Haken. Having just floored the entire Tech Fest crowd with one of the highlights of the festival no doubt. Performing material from their acclaimed The Mountain, stating that they have time to squeeze in one last song, ie the just shy of twenty minute epic that is “Crystallised” the band were one of the stand out acts of the festival. After finishing up their set we were lucky enough to have a chat with the delightful gents that are Richard Henshall and Ross Jennings. Speaking about the band’s work on the new album, Prog in the modern day and the all important concept album we entered the weird and wonderful world of Haken, like bacon!

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A Tech Fest Interview With : Kaan and Colin (No Consequence)

Nearing an end to our slightly belated Tech Fest Interview flurry we were able to speak to yet another excellent band. Having been around for quite a while now in the UK Tech scene, No Consequence are somewhat of a house hold name. With both Kaan and Colin having attended Tech Fest since it’s infancy the two couldn’t have been happier to be performing later on, on the main stage. We were able to sit down with the two and speak about the brand new album Vimana, how the band has grown over the years from their beginning and what it’s going to be like playing a guitarist down!

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A Tech Fest Interview With : Tor and Øystein (Leprous)

Second in our series of interviews that we were lucky enough to catch at this year’s Tech Fest. Acting as Friday’s main support, personally I felt they were more than adequate for a headlining slot , Leprous performed an absolutely stunning live set. A moving and simple yet technical performance, mirroring the bands work. Prior to their sublime performance, both guitarists Tor and Øystein  were able to chat to us about their brand new incredible album The Congregation. How it feels to have evolved from the hey days as a youth band and how exactly you can create simple yet simultaneously technically demanding music…

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UK Tech Fest Day Three : Sunday

Having had our bones rattled after the performance of Heart Of A Coward, we then slunk off to the after party. Amid the beers we caught a performance once again from Sithu Aye along with a little help from Plini. Performing material from the split EP the two had worked it was undoubtedly one of the best jams I have heard in a long while. Complete with scetions of classic AC/DC as well! Not to mention the acoustic wizard that was Sean De Burca performing some incredibly dexterous acoustic material before the Plini / Sithu Aye jam bonanza.

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The Metalist Guide To : Tech-Fest 

Festival season is once again upon us and with the arrival of this weekend we see some of the premier Technical Metal hitting the UK. Featuring various bands from all over the world coming together for the special three day weekender, Friday’s head liner Betraying The Martyrs, Saturday’s smasher Heart Of A Coward and finalising Sunday Decapitated.

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