An Interview With : David Jordan (Long Distance Calling)

Instrumental bands are often tarnished somewhat with the connotation of solely appealing to those versed in music. Often giving people the illusion that it’s musicians music for musicians Long Distance Calling thankfully break this preconception ha I released their brand new album TRIPS this April the band entered uncharted territory. Forging forward further than the likes of the contemporary instrumental bands the band decided to take the step to enlist singer Petter Carlsen to sing for the band. Having previously only had one or two tracks on their latest outing the band have upped the ante to a total of four tracks. Shortly before wowing the Boston Music Room’s in London we caught up with guitarist and song writing main man David Jordan to talk TRIPS, the metaphysical and of course Prog. 

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Long Distance Calling Live At The Boston Music Rooms : Live Review

Instrumental music can often be a hard type of music to wrap your ear around. Governed by balance, those who are more inclined to move towards showy virtuosity will not make it in this world. Often carrying a sonic narrative vocals are very much an important part to the musical puzzle, when you take them away you need to compensate. Sitting somewhere between the two lie Long Distance Calling. Hailing from Germany the band are predominantly a four piece instrumental band yet flirt from time to time with vocals. Tonight the band bring their sound to the Boston Music Rooms.

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Album Review : Long Distance Calling – Trips

Often a popular choice among films time travel has often been a hard subject to portray in music. Set to release their brand new album Trips, Long Distance Calling attempt their own stab at the more mind bending of subject though not in the conventions we might be used to. Taking influence from the melting pot of music throughout the ages do the band emerge into an unknown land or familiar territory.

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