Fleshgod Apocalypse Live At The Underworld : Live Review

Whilst the rest of the world began to collectively fund Guiness’ breweries for yet another year, among the many gig happening in Camden tonight we were transported to The Underworld. Having released their brand new flawless record King, Fleshgod Apocalypse have begun a new chapter in their symphonic story. Taking elements from the much loved Classical movement and splicing them together with Death Metal at last the band have created a palpable world to let their music thrive in and tonight a sold out Underworld will witness these new kings save for one queen in concerto.

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An Interview With : Stef Broks (Textures)

Homogenising the bands past, present and future to mould a new era of Textures, Phenotype the bands new release, will see them breaking more new ground in the arena of Progressive Metal. Focusing the album’s thematics to mirrorĀ the conceptual idea of both genotypes and phenotypes, each one respectively reliant on the other in order to survive. One about origin another in a sense about destination. Explaining in more depth to us shortly before flooring London I was able to speak to time keeper extraordinaire Stef Broks about Textures’ past, present and very bright future.

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