Album Review : Discharge – End Of Days

Limitless in its possibility the ever changing entity that is music is made up of many different forms. From melodious ballads, heart wrenching choruses to the opposite end of the spectrum, absolute noise. Straight from the horses mouth we heard the eternal struggle Discharge are in with their strive against the all governing blues scale. In their ever optimistic outlook the band have come to release their latest visceral slab of aggression End of Days but have the band out flanked melody once more?

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Album Review : Haken – Affinity

Soon to be a relic of the past, the eighties have always been the unsung heroes of the past decades. Depending on the era you were born in the children of the nineties will never quite be on the same plain as those who were born in the eighties. Era of the cult film, possibly the most lucrative music has been and of course Sci-Fi. With this in mind we delve into Haken’s Affinity, exploring the other dark side of the moon with some slightly different Brits. Hang onto something!

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Album Review : Fallujah – Dreamless

Interpretation is a wonderful gift humans are given, infinitely questioning whether innate or through cognitive learning. Arguing whether our perceptions and preconceptions are ingrained as part of intuition or do we learn from our past experiences to create new and often changing perspectives. Opting for a more cinematic approach, building on their previous conquest The Flesh Prevails as our androgynous hominid beckons we enter the the world of Dreamless.

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Album Review : Long Distance Calling – Trips

Often a popular choice among films time travel has often been a hard subject to portray in music. Set to release their brand new album Trips, Long Distance Calling attempt their own stab at the more mind bending of subject though not in the conventions we might be used to. Taking influence from the melting pot of music throughout the ages do the band emerge into an unknown land or familiar territory.

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Album Review : Abnormality – Mechanisms Of Omniscience

Intensity has become a indispensable element of Death Metal. Known for its sheer sense of ferocity, tip toeing trepidatiously on the outskirts some are pulled into the maelstrom that is the epicentre of Death Metal. This where the men are separated from the boys, sticking to its steadfast foundations we see the arrival of Abnormality’s Metal Blade debut, Mechanisms of Omniscience. 

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Album Review : Aborted – Retrogore

Fear itself is very much a concept that we as humans tease. In our endless search for stimulation of the mind, the darker reaches demand for an experience where we experience the feelings of terror yet are all the while in a safe environment. Simulating the entire experience watching our often doomed cohorts in Horror films whilst we remain in our comfy seats. Used as a huge influence Aborted have been the aural simulation of this phenomenon. Now with their new album Retrogore, create a homage to Horror where the tables are turned and instead our maniacal madmen are in the driving seat and we the listener are now the protagonist and our seats are no longer comfy. 

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