With an incredible amount of festivals all over Europe each bringing their own tastes to the table, in the past we have had the Monsters of Rock, now we have Download, Reading and Leeds and the underdog that is Bloodstock. Both Reading and Leeds becoming decidedly more mainstream, Bloodstock has very much stuck to their bloodsoaked guns. With this now it’s fourteenth incarnation this year we set foot in Catton Park for the first time. In retrospect now I can certainly assure you that Bloodstock is definitely one of Metal’s premier UK Festivals.
[date]07th August 2015[/date]
[city]Catton Hall[/city]
[support_bands]Armored Saint, Belphegor, Enslaved, Ne Obliviscaris, Ihashn, Overkill, Conan, Sabaton, Trivium, Delain[/support_bands]
Arriving slightly later than planned but no less cheerful after a fantastic, well organised coach service we enter the festival’s hallowed ground just as the screams of John Bush begin. Releasing their latest album in five years, Armored Saint are here to truly cause a ruckus and in keeping with their excellent new album, Win Hands Down. With guitarist Jeff Duncan firing on all cylinders the band power through newer tracks and of course the old classics “Can U Deliver” and even features an appearance by none other than John Bush‘s son for a cameo on guitar for “Madhouse“. Though the band might have been absent for five years and had an even longer break before the aforementioned five year break today they perform with a sense that classic Metal heads would.
Often making up multiple conversations over the week, an easy subject to approach whoever you’re speaking to and of course being the UK, we love to chat about the weather. Perhaps not quite the most Kvlt of conditions but nevertheless after the bin bags hiding Belphegor’s mic stand dressage are removed we see the band saunter out in all their white and red corpse painted glory. With singer Helmuth’s incredibly imposing presence, particularly his take on the classic Jens Kidman face made all the more terrifying by the ability of seeing only whites in the singers eyes. Material from last year’s release Conjuring The Dead is blasted out, featuring the title track along with single “Gasmask Terror” with older material from Bondage Goat Zombie the crowd greets the gruesome trio with a hearty welcome.
Yet another thing that is made apparent at this year’s Bloodstock is the ease at which to change from the Ronnie James Dio main stage to the sweetly titled Sophie Lancaster Stage after. The walk can be done within the space of five minutes or less, arriving just as the band take the stage Australian Prog metallers Ne Obliviscaris unleash their unique coupling of Progressive Death Metal and almost classical elements. Performing tracks off the excellent new offering Citadel, though the band might be a treat to the ears on record today it seems that their delivery is slightly too timid. Nevertheless the sound that’s emanates from the band, particularly the haunting violin, is fantastic.

Moving back over to the main stage to catch Enslaved. As it would transpire later in the day, there was unfortunately a mishap to do with the band’s gear. However as luck would have it Ihsahn was happy to lend the band his equipment for them to power through a thunderous set. With much of the set being made up of material from brand new album In Times were treated to single “Thurisaz Dreaming” along with the slightly longer “Building With Fire” which receives just as much of a rousing reception as the single. Moving to the Axioma Ethica Odini era the band throwback to the classic “Ethica Odini“, with a truly beautiful solo from guitarist Ice Dale it’s hard to pin point the exact feeling of seeing the band perform today. With the weather doing nothing but to enhance the band their black metal come progressive songs are absolutely astounding.
In keeping with the theme of frosty riffing the next act welcomes one of Black Metal’s lauded heroes. Having performed an exclusive one off UK show with Emperor last year, under a new guise Ihsahn takes to the stage this Friday. From the beginning its apparent that all is not well in the band. With the performance being mired by technical difficulties meaning that bass has to be taken out of the mix, despite the slight short coming a varied and emotional set is performed. Tracks like “Frozen Lakes On Mars” bring to mind a ballad yet tailor made in their Black Metal trimmings. After an Emperor medley along with introducing his all star cast we are treated to a final track. A debut of “My Heart Is Of The North” from the man’s forthcoming album. Ihsahn’s performance today has shown a band that is capable of adapting to various different circumstances. Issues with technicality are often a unexpected error to deal with and today’s performance was absolutely inspirational.
Swapping our frost barren lands for a more twenty first century setting, Overkill are saying “hello, from the gutter!“. Instantly the band burst onto the stage and it’s painfully obvious that this band are in familiar territory. Having released their new album last year were treated to cuts from White Devil Armory as well as previous banger “Ironbound” but it’s when the band sink their teeth into deep cuts from Under The Influence, tracks like the epic “End of The Line” are played with a familiar sense of ease with guitarist Dave Linsk, smiling ear to ear deliver blistering solo’s left right and centre. A rather chatty Bobby Blitz states that at the age of 51 he still loves to do what he does best. It’s undeniable that the front man’s New Jersey, watcha lookin’ at attitude is infectious. Delivering a set that would spit in anyone’s face the band finish with a defiant Subhuman’s cover “Fuck You!”. Riling the crowd up the front man states “Bloodstock is quiet today! They were louder in France…” to which the crowd reach ear shattering levels. Then smiling smugly utters, “Works every time…“. With a performance like what the band put on tonight, you bet it does.
Headed back over to the Sophie Lancaster Stage we greet doom mongers Conan. With the sizeable tent already pretty full the band are relentless, delivering sledge hammer songs consistently. Stating they have bought their amps with them in an interview earlier in the day, tonight it is incredibly apparent that Conan do not compromise. Though the most humbling aspect of their performance is the sheer magnitude of the crowd that has gathered to watch the band perform. Given that the Power metallers Sabaton are also currently running and gunnin’ on stage, the band’s performance tonight goes even better than expected.
Running back over to the main stage just in time to catch Sabaton, the Swede’s went all out with the support slot this year. With an absolutely huge turnout for the band this is nothing but good premonitions, ripping through the classics of “Primo Victoria” and ending on “Metal Crue” an explosion of blue and yellow confetti rains down from the sky which would stay long after the band’s set. Thinking that the band might have compromised their set, the aboslutely hulking tank is still there though with tracks like “Panzerkampf” and “No Bullets Fly” you would expect no less from the band. Obvious that Power Metal might not be to everyone’s liking, when a band like Sabaton perform with such conviction it is hard to fault the band.
Being their biggest performance in their career Trivium would be understandably nervous. First appearing ten years ago at Download for a day time slot on the main stage the band have come far. Often a sore point of conversation, the reaction to Trivium material differs. As with each album the band have tried something new, commendable though it might be, it has not always worked out for the best. Kicking things off tonight with a world premiere of their brand new track, revealed just days before hand “Silence In The Snow“. A ballsy move to open with a brand new song and it’s one that pays divdens. Many believe that the new sound Trivium are going for is mainstream and well just not great. If there is any indication of the reception their premiere got tonight then people’s opinions must be sorely mixed up.
Seemingly a slight trend at this year’s Bloodstock, there are technical difficulties. With Corey Beaulieu having to sit out a song or two due to being shocked by his microphone, a smiling Matt Heafy is thankful when the guitarist reappears in time for “Becoming The Dragon“, treated to Ascendancy classics, “Like Light To Flies” along with “Dying In Your Arms” and of course the classic “A Gunshot To The Head of Trepidation“. Despite the Ascendancy wirship the band play a varied set list from their now fairly extensive back catalogue including “Into The Mouth Of Hell We March” and the cringe worthy “Anthem (We Are The Fire)“.
Premiering yet another new track, the band have shown promise for their new material. A step above the Draiman incident. Trivium as a head liner is a bold move and it would seem that the band are not quite there yet. Don’t get me wrong the band deliver an incredible set featuring an enormous rendition of “In Waves” yet that special something that comes from a headliner is just off a little. Perhaps being their first experience, nevertheless their grand finale of “Pull Harder…” ensures that the band were defintely not a wrong choice, instead that perhaps they just need to become accustomed to this size of performance.
A perhaps little known fact, when Delain were approached to perform at this year’s Bloodstock, they requested that they specifically perform on the Sophie Lancaster stage. After the horrific events that befell the girl, simply because of dressing differently it is a sweet homage to her memory. Taking to the stage the band began their headlining slot with “Mother Machine” sure to get everyone in the mood for dancing. Though the band might not be on the main stage this year it is undeniable that Delain as a unit have grown beyond all forms of expectation in recent years. Currently hitting the festival circuit we will be seeing the band once more later this year for what promises to be an exceptional show. Amid the classic “Sleepwalkers Show” and “The Tragedy Of The Commons” it’s clear that the packed out tent is loving every minute of the band. Nevertheless it’s when the band decide to dedicate their final song. Inspired by the horrific incident with Sophie Lancaster, “We Are The Others” is one of the most defiant closers of the festival.
In the music world there are a plethora of genres, all ranging differently from style and of course sound. Though it would seem that from the first day of Bloodstock, that the old adage is true. Metal fans are among the most loyal in the world and with the touching closer from Delain, showing everyone uniting together for a common cause. Those words couldn’t hit home hard enough.