The Dutch have always had strong roots in the Death Metal genre. Yet another year goes by and we see even more fantastic Death Metal blooming. One of which is Apophys, taking the best elements of Immolation, Decapitated and combining them to create their own voice the band have released a devastating statement of intent Prime Incursion. We were lucky enough to speak to vocals and all around Sci-Fi buff Kevin Quilligan about the brand new record, what some of the singers influences are and why those classic samples are so important in Death Metal!
What does the name Prime Incursion mean?
It’s kind of like first assault, which kind of applies we’re trying to do actually, trying to make our mark right away. First of all it sounds cool! That’s like the most important it has to sound cool for a Death Metal record. It kind of applies to our first effort. It’s not a concept album in total, all the songs have different themes. As a whole this is the first sign of life.
In regards to the album itself you mixed the record is that correct?
Yeah I did! I have a lot of discussions with guys that firmly believe that you should get a producer in because it’s a fresh pair of ears and it’s a fresh look on the songs. Which I can kind of get but I’m one of these creative control freaks. I like being able to do a lot myself, not just the writing or the arranging of the songs but making sure that the sound is the way we want it. The whole vibe fits as we intend, I feel like I am able to do that myself better rather than explain it to someone else.
Ok, like you said a different school of thought is bringing in a new pair of ears, but I think you’ve nailed it! It sounds like a kind of Biomech Death Metally thing!
I kind of agree actually, we had Stefano Morobito in Rome and he does all these extreme Italian Death Metal releases like Hour Of Penance and Fleshgod Apocalypse overwhelming productions. I really like that, I really like that in Death Metal so we got him on board for the mastering. Though I am a control freak I do realise when there is stuff that is better when we give it away. He came on board for the mastering for the record which gave it that final touch we were looking for which is this kind of Italian-ish brutality. I needed it to sound real but like kind of clinical’ it needed to sound like a space army basically…
This is just an excerpt of our conversation with Kevin, to listen to the full spaced out recording click our Soundcloud link below! You can also access many other interviews on our Soundcloud page!
Apophys’ brand new album Prime Incursion is out now via Metal Blade.