Often the unsung hero of Carcass‘ catalogue, preceding Heartwork and proceeding Symphonies Of Sickness, the long winded Necroticism : Descanting The Insalubrious. The middle ground that saw Carcass truly beginning to reaching their potential. Bringing the medical examination theme to the forefront the album was a concept album of sorts. Tied together by almost all the tracks beginning with a medical narrative the album is an aural autopsy. Ensuring that the lyrics retain the clinical death metal sound dressing Carcass‘ third outing of blood soaked intellectual metal.
Full of classic songs that not only saw the evolution of their, now trademark, melodic death metal sound. “Corporal Jigsaw Quandry” saw the element of groove the band were previously toying with come to the fore. Distancing themselves ever more from their grindcore roots the band. With the haunting opening riffs of “Incarnated Solvent Abuse” we hear the band, experimenting further with the melodic death metal sound. Retaining the brutal edge of death metal, yet adding melody proved to be a significant turning point in metal. Carcass being responsible for so many bands that we have today, were one of the firstl. Not only about writing songs with Bill Steer’s melodious overtones, the band were solid song writers. With the juggernaut riffs of “Lavaging Expectorate Of Lysergide Composition” steam rolling their way through the song. Along with “Pedigree Butchery” slowly worming their way into our heads, with memorable riffing and lead lines.
With better production, Necroticism was the next step in the bands logical evolution. Slowly toiling away until in 1993 the band would release their arguably best record, certainly most influential Heartwork. A fantastic example of melodic death metal done to highest standard.