One of the many brilliant Swedish exports has got to be seventies sounding Tribulation though didn’t always have this Doors coloured hue to them…
Album of the Year Christmas Countdown : Day Twenty-Two
The frozen terror of Christmas begins to dig it’s claws in, not knowing what to purchase? Check out our album of the year list and see if there might be something that appeals to your undead one.
Decibel 2016 Tour Announced
As ever the Decibel 2016 tour seems to wipe floor with other tour announcements and has done once again this year.
An Interview With : Adam Zars (Tribulation)
Moving into the darker regions of the seasonal spectrum we welcomed a truly despondent tour last month. Among a house hold name we were able to speak to Tribulation. Currently making waves all over the Metal scene with their essential brand new album Children Of The Night we spoke to guitarist mastermind Adam Zars on their slight downtime in London before their fantastic show at Koko. Speaking to the guitarist we were able to find out a little more about how the writing of The Children of The Night went about, what themes are explored on the new album and how they assimilated a sound of the seventies to form this nocturnal vampiric Doors sound. Listen to the full unedited interview on our Soundcloud below this excerpt.
Live Review : Paradise Lost + Tribulation + Lucifer
It would seem that the classic old adage that great things come in three’s is incredibly apparent. As we begin to move into Autumn venues are once again beginning to be filled up after the sonic drought that was August. With one of the best line ups this month we saw English doom mongers Paradise Lost bring the moping tonight. Though before we can get onto our main act there is the small act of the incredible support presented tonight.
An Incineration Interview With : Jakob Ljunberg (Tribulation)
Descending upon London, we were treated to one of my personal favourite performances of Incineration Festival, before Tribulation truly rocked The Underworld I was able to chat with drummer Jakob Ljungberg.
Incineration Festival 2015
An absolute banquet of extreme metal from all genres, from the doom laden to the melancholic, the fast paced destruction to grooving riffs this was our account of Incineration Fest.
Album Review : Tribulation – The Children Of The Night
A point of difference is essential, in this day and age where so many bands seem to sprout the possibility of sounding similar is more than ever before. Tribulation have been quietly tinkering away, touring with classic bands the likes of Behemoth and Cannibal Corpse the band have been slowly but surely priming themselves for the release of one of the best records of the year.