All You Need To Check Out At Download 2017

Hard to believe that we are now six months into the year of 2017. Thus far we’ve had the great orange tango monster up to his usual tricks once more, a divided English parliament that has called for a snap election and far more importantly some brilliant releases. Yet as we hit the halfway mark its also indicative of yet another mainstay of the year, Download Festival 2017.

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The Dillinger Escape Plan : A Study In Dissocation

Finality is a concept that we as humans often struggle with, not necessarily a foreign idea but more of a surprise it can come at any moment. Reacting to setting that has become finite that was seemingly limitless, this idea of a definite end can often bring us into a jarring state of self awareness. Fabled for their truly berserk live performances The Dillinger Escape Plan are a band like no other. Bred on dissonance and cacophony the band’s diet has been plentiful over the years. Breaking the news that the band would be unveiling their latest avant garde piece Dissocation, the musical collective were somewhat bowled over by the band’s decision to call it quits. Slowly coming to terms with this idea that the infinite has now reached a zenith we look to see just how much of an impact The Dillinger Escape Plan had and whether their final statement will be one of fervour or whether the band have simply become their idea of Dissociation. 

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Album Review : The Dillinger Escape Plan – Dissociation

An extension of Thomas Edison’s discovery of electricity, the lightbulb has enabled a plethora of ideas previously unexplored. However light bulbs do not last forever. Circuitry gets worn out, fuses go out and ultimately the light inside vanishes. Turn their metaphorical lightbulb from their inception back in 1997, twenty years on The Dillinger Escape Plan reach the end of their longstanding career. Jetissoning their entire creative energy into their grand finale Dissociation chanelling their potent electrical flow to finally make their incandescent light bulb explode. 

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