An Interview With : Kevin Quilligan (Apophys)

The Dutch have always had strong roots in the Death Metal genre.  Yet another year goes by and we see even more fantastic Death Metal blooming. One of which is Apophys, taking the best elements of Immolation, Decapitated and combining them to create their own voice the band have released a devastating statement of intent Prime Incursion. We were lucky enough to speak to vocals and all around Sci-Fi buff Kevin Quilligan about the brand new record, what some of the singers influences are and why those classic samples are so important in Death Metal!

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An Interview With : Jordan Mancino (Wovenwar)

Deciding to take the high road the remaining members of As I Lay Dying decided to instead begin a new. After the events that occured took place the band didn’t want to have a rebrand of the band, an AILD 2.0 if you will, instead the band began their new vision Wovenwar. Prior to performing at their London show this May we were able to catch up with drummer man Jordan Mancino. Speaking of the band themselves, how it has been working back up the ladder and what it is like to be back in the driving seat with a new name and a new band.

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An Interview With : Joakim Svensson (Entrails)

Entrails, a band that are forging relentlessly forward in the age of Death Metal. Having released their brand new album Obliteration, we sat down and spoke with bass guitarist and the creator of those classic Gothenburg vocals Joakim Svensson. Speaking about the new album, what exactly its like to be in the rebirth of Death Metal and why Swedish fans are just so grumpy!

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An Interview With : Mikey Cox (Coal Chamber)

Marking their return this year with their brand new album Rivals, Coal Chamber are well and truly back in business. Before their performance at a sold out London Koko, we were lucky enough to speak to drummer Mike Cox  Enlightening us about what it’s like to be back after twelve years, how the band is now and their brand new album Rivals.

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An Interview With : Mike Malyan and Olly Steele (Monuments) 

Shortly before their absolutely phenomenal performance at London’s The Borderline, we were lucky enough to speak to the rhythmic souls of Monuments. The chatty Mike Malyan and Olly Steele spoke of all things Monuments, what we might be seeing from them in the future, potential new albums and what exactly is going to become of The Amanuensis story book… And that’s the trizzuth.

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An Interview With : Eric A.K. (Flotsam And Jetsam)

Having been together a whopping thirty four years, Flotsam and Jetsam were recently over in good ol Blighty on the No Place On Tour. With this being one of the first tours with new drummer Jason Bittner, we spoke to Eric A.K. founding member of the band about the band’s brand new album in the pipeline, what we can expect from a Flotsam live show and of course…

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