Protest The Hero Release New Video

Being a unique band, Protest The Hero seldom have any competition with their somehow mistifying mix of melodic, slightly over the top vocals and the fine toothed comb approach to their guitar riffs, their only real rivals are themselves. With their flawless new album Volition released last year, the boys are well and truly back, after leaving their record label and deciding to crowd fund their latest venture they have released an album that is some of the best in modern metal. With their return was a show in Newfoundland that birthed the idea for “Mist” the music video gives you a small introduction into what happened, with the popularity of the band reaching new heights the crowd rushed in and essentially moved the stage so the band had to finish the song while almost falling off, the rest of the video is Protest The Hero doing what they do best, having fun, adding in shots of them playing on cliffs etc…

Its definitely worth checking out and its always cool to find out a little more about the origin of certain songs, or what inspired people write about their experiences, it also helps to bring you closer to the band I believe, anyway check it out below.


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