An Interview With : Brody Uttley (Rivers Of Nihil)

Creating somewhat of a notoriety among the Death Metal scene in the US, Rivers of Nihil are fast becoming a leading band in the revolution of modern Death Metal. A revitalised sound, each album is anchored in the hallmarks of the Death Metal charm, yet with their latest album, 2015’s Monarchy Progressive elements have begun to infiltrate the band’s sound. On their first ever European tour, we were lucky enough to be able to speak to Rivers of Nihil guitarist Brody Uttley. Though you would imagine both western territories of Europe and the US would be similar each is a very different ordeal. Frought with new challenges on the road we spoke about everything from David Bowie to the four songs the band have written for their brand new album and the importance of the seasons in Rivers of Nihil’s thematic tapestry.

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