The Underworld. For the London Metalhead, there’s no doubt you’ll have frequented it’s halls. A beacon of opportunity to the young bands and a special treat for fans for some of the biggest artists in the game. Throughout its illustrious history the venue has seen all manner of music, though I doubt that it’s ever had African Slave Music meets Black Metal come through its halls. Intrigued? You should be.
Proponents For Change – Allegaeon Lift The Lid On The Real Life Of Touring
The hardships of being a band are all too familiar a story in the world of Metal. Almost expected to bare the brunt of it, young bands find it incredibly hard not only to to tour but to actually be able to make a living in the modern day. Making the idea of “breaking through” an ideal that can sometimes not even be a possibility. Thinking laterally, one Tim Charles of Ne Obliviscaris may have the answer all bands are searching for. Hailing from Australia and on the indie label Season of Mist the band were suffering the financial woes of being a band in 2016 / 2017. Launching the idea of Patreon, Charles thought up the idea of a true engagement with fans. Understanding their needs and the band’s both parties work together in ensuring both coexist peacefully. However before that the band have returned from their most recent of travels.
An Immolation Sandwich
Releasing their brand new album Atonement back in February, Immolation have taken even more steps to becoming one of the most volatile Death Metal forces in the world.
The Future’s Bright, The Future’s Code Orange
Community has long been one of the mainstays of Hardcore. Known for their fierce sense of loyalty, Hardcore is no doubt one of the biggest brotherhoods out there. Rooted in the art of the traditional, bands go through what you could almost compare to initiation. Not known for its experimentation, the want for change can be an unwelcome thing. Though on the surface antagonistic, once through these hurdles you’ll be shown loyalty like no other. So what if you want to rewrite the rules? What then?
Good Friday And Immolation – A Recipe For Atonement
Staying power is one of the few attributes that are put forward in the arena of Death Metal. Hardly the most accessible of sub genres, however when you do get into bed with the genre it’s hard to get out. Belligerently sticking around amid the nineties grunge movement, Death Metal is the exact embodiment of the extreme. Understanding this pushing of boundaries both in extremity and in a quest for the experimental, Immolation are one of the genres bleak beacons. Combining their dissonant arrangements where drums, bass and guitar seem to disagree until somehow coming to a resolute understanding. Having been a year since their last visit, Immolation make a special appearance this Good Friday at London’s Underworld.
June Is Death Metal Month
It seems that the Death Metal gods have smiled upon the month of June to be the month where the deluge of Metal is to be set upon us.
Dragonforce Played A Little Pub Gig in London
It’s not so often when bands that have such a substantial international following make time to play the intimate shows of the early days, but Dragonforce always seem to make time at least once every album. With a new album peering over the horizon, the power metallers organised a wee show for the die-hards at Camden’s The Black Heart.
A Quest In Prog With Pallbearer
Releasing their absolutely astounding new record Heartless in February, Pallbearer have run the gamut for album of the year. Expanding on their already wonderous horizons, the soundscapes of Heartless recall a nod to the classic era of the seventies but why do people forever associate Pallbearer with Doom and not Prog?