Album Review : Between The Buried And Me – Coma Ecliptic

A staple in the make up Prog’s DNA. The concept album is an artists secret weapon. Based upon creating not only a narrative but a universe in itself. Distilled until the time is right to bring reality crashing down and escape once again through another listen. Beginning as an almost hardcore act, Between The Buried And Me have had a natural growth. Slowly maturing from the all out assault that was The Silent Circus, creating more thought provoking albums with each release and it was all leading up to their finest hour, Coma Ecliptic.

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An Interview With : Leif Jensen (Dew Scented) 

Among the thousands of fantastic releases this year so far we see yet another record unleashed upon the unsuspecting masses. Sweden’s own Dew Scented have been major players in the Thrash Metal arena. Releasing their brand new album Intermination the band’s tenth effort we were lucky enough to be able to catch up with vocalist and head honcho Leif Jensen. Speaking about the brand new record, we asked what themes we could expect from the new material, what his views on the current state of Thrash Metal in the modern world were and future plans this year containing an exclusive reveal of a release coming later this year with some Spanish friends…

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