A Second Interview With : Brett Rasmussen (Ignite)

Authenticity in the modern day has become somewhat of a misnomer. Able to mask technical shortcomings, abilities are enhanced with the use of the arrays of technology now readily available. Kindly sitting down with us shortly before their performance at London’s Underworld, we spoke to Ignite bassist Brett Rasmussen once again regarding not only their brand new album A War Against You but the sheer importance of being a real live band. In a day and age when it is all too easy to conceal faults with tricks, seeing a band perform live truly separates the men from the boys and for those who might have ever seen Ignite know just how crucial this can be…

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Live Review: Sabaton + Alestorm

It’s another one of those beloved metal evenings in London when two or more mega groups combine to give us an epic line-up. Tonight it’s all about tanks, dragons, pirates and mead and Sabaton, Alestorm, and Bloodbound bring their heavily-armed war machine into town.

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Album Review : Skuggsjá – Skuggsjá

Joining forces to form the illusive Skuggsjá, Enslaved’s Ivar Bjørnson and Wardruna’s Einar Selvik are set to unveil their collaborative effort of the same name. Undeniable that both composers are rulers of theie musical kingdoms when coming together the pair create a tangible, earthed soundtrack. However will the marriage of the two’s creative force form their own creative niche?

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