Listen and watch the brand new video from Gojira “Silvera“. It’s good.
According To Rolling Stone Nails Are Angriest Hardcore Band Yet
Their new single of “Savage Intolerance” definitely sets the record straight.
Live Review: Girugämesh
It’s pretty rare to see a Japanese visual kei band gain such international success. Girugämesh have spent the last 12 years rising to the top, but tonight play their last London show on their final European tour having announced their intentions to disband this summer. We pay homage tonight to one of Japan’s top musical exports!
Cattle Decapitation Premiere Video For “Clandestine Ways (Krokodil Rot)”
And it’s just as gruesome as might think.
Jam Whitechapel’s “Void”
Whitechapel return with their second single to come from their recently announced new album Mark Of The Blade.
Album Review : Katatonia – The Fall Of Hearts
Conjuring memories through the vapour of nostalgia Katatonia stand alone. Though the sun might be beginning to shine these doom mongers bring a very much autumnal sound as we begin Spring. Celebrating their ten year anniversary of the classic The Great Cold Distance the band unveil their latest masterstroke, The Fall of Hearts.
Listen To “Built This Pool” On A Ten Hour Loop!
Blink-182 have shared a brand new song and it’s a long one!
We Now Live In A World With Zakk Wylde Emojis What A Time To Be Alive
Potentially the best thing that Metal has ever been put into in the mainstream.