Album Review : Sepultura – Machine Messiah

One man’s trash is another’s treasure as the saying goes. For those unfamiliar with the Channel 4 Sunday phenomenon that was the old man calling ,Scrapheap Challenge, allow me to elaborate. Two teams of engineers, brought together to run into a scrapyard and create something out of nothing. Following the same formula, Sepultura return in 2017 after their celebratory Roots run to find their “scrap” to combine both ideas from an esoteric sense along with those of a mechanical nature to create the conceptual Frankenstein’s monster that is Machine Messiah. 

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Album Review : Pain Of Salvation – In The Passing Light Of Day

Giving a renewed sense of life, death can be one of the most unforgiving teachers in life. Educating both mind and body in not taking what we are given for granted. Being diagnosed with a flesh eating bacteria, Pain of Salvation‘s Daniel Gildenlöw recently had a brush with that most callous of entities. Surviving the ordeal the man and band have returned to deliver In The Passing Light of Day. Fueled by resolve from Gildenlöw’s experience the record is a self affirmation of identity.

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Album Review : Black Anvil – As Was

Traditional values are something that have been revered as much as they have been questioned. With its bedrock being the emergence of the early nineties movement of Mayhem, Burzum, Black Metal is one of the most steadfast in the genres of Metal. However as the years have gone by there have been some chinks appear within its seemingly impenetrable armour. Enabling more experimentation, you could argue a new wave of Black Metal was initiated. Allowing for grander songs, far reaching soundscapes with sprawling melodies. Advocates of this new progression in Black Metal are one Black Anvil. Releasing their Relapse debut Hail Death in 2014, elements of the genre were not only expanded but questioned and now the band return with their latest flurry of questions for this most studious of masterminds with As Was.

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