The world of extreme Metal is one not for the faint hearted. Relying on devotion, understanding and above all passion Cattle Decapitation are the perfect flag bearers for the monicker of what is deemed to be truly extreme. Mixing caustic musical ideas with scathingly relevant lyrical subject matter the band are a true force to be reckoned. Releasing their latest misanthropic ode to the demise of humanity The Anthropocene Extinction just last year the band are currently touring the world in support of the excellent record. Shortly before their devastatingly brilliant, sold out Nambucca performance in London we were able to speak to one Travis Ryan. Discussing issues ranging from the nightmare that was the band’s previous London appearance to what made the singer decide to create somewhat of a niche in the Metal scene. Cattle Decapitation truly are the purveyors of all things extreme.
An Interview With : Dan Swano (Witherscape)
Separating identity can be an incredibly difficult task, in the modern day with production software being readily available band’s are able to not only create music but produce it themselves. Somewhat on the other foot is the other dilemma of a producer creating music. Legendary producer Dan Swano once again stakes his claim to the Prog throne with the unveiling of second album The Northern Sanctuary in Witherscape.
A Download Interview With : Jake Bowen (Periphery)
Returning this year with one of the band’s most compelling albums since their inception, Periphery are set to level their past with the absolutely brilliant Select Difficulty. Known for their near faultless live performances, we caught the band at their Encore Stage slot delivering the goods with pin point accuracy. Fortunately we were able to speak to guitarist and one sixth of the musical entity that is Periphery, Jake Bowen. Illuminating what is to be expected on the new album, the bands inner workings and how after releasing their double album coup Juggernaut the band are straight back at it once again with their brand new album.
An Interview With : Eric Jarrin (Despised Icon)
Returning after an absence is always somewhat of an interesting experience. Regardless of the background of the events, whether it be returning to an old home, seeing an old friend or arriving back to a creative situation the entire process can be somewhat unexpected. Welcomed home after their decision to reform in their native Canada Despised Icon began their first steps towards a new chapter the bands career. Ressurecting the band and all it stood for the group endeavoured to create a new album that was harder hitting, more brutal whilst also being exactly what Despised Icon stood for. After a seven year absence the band once more deliver unto us a brand new record. We were lucky enough to have a post set chat with Eric Jarrin the bands guitarist to talk Beast and the bands reawakening.
An Interview With : Charlie Griffifths (Haken)
Speaking the same musical language can often be a simple idea that can be incredibly complex forging musicality into something truly spectacular. Releasing their brand new album Affinity earlier this year Haken began a new chapter in their progressive story. Focusing more on the hey day of the eighties the album has an overall nostalgic feeling to it echoing the likes of some of our favourites of the times. Enlisting new bassist who had more than proven himself on the EP Restoration Connor Green was a symbolism for the band’s musica affinity. A relative term that can span from our close relations to grander concepts the likes of humanity. Prior to their London appearance at The Garage we were invited on the band’s temporary space shuttle to speak with guitarist and resident guru Charlie Griffiths about the album, Transformers and the band’s faultless dialogue with their instruments.
An Interview With : Dave Davidson (Revocation)
Mankind in the animal kingdom is somewhat of an anomaly. Able to create free thinking independent ideas using past experiences to build foundation for theories and owing to our opposable thumbs have led us to be technically top of the food chain. Though we might be the most evolutionary of species there are arguments that our theoretical knowledge is incredibly infantile. Taking the words of one Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, Revocation begin their venture into their first ever concept album. Irrespective of time, location or ideal we as humans have an inherent urge ranging from the morbid fascination with death in the form of public execution to the entire demise of civilisations ourselves owing to repeated mistake that are supposed to have become cognitive. Speaking to Dave Davidson of Revocation we asked the singer about just what Great Is Our Sin truly entails and the answer was far larger than we thought…
Download 2016 : An Interview With : John Alfredsson (Avatar)
Having attended Download 2016 not only we were able to see some of the premier Metal bands going right now but we were also able to grab a couple of chats with a fair few bands inbetween the madness. The first in a series of Download 2016 interviews sees the Progressive come Hair Metal come straight up mad Avatar.
An Interview With : David Jordan (Long Distance Calling)
Instrumental bands are often tarnished somewhat with the connotation of solely appealing to those versed in music. Often giving people the illusion that it’s musicians music for musicians Long Distance Calling thankfully break this preconception ha I released their brand new album TRIPS this April the band entered uncharted territory. Forging forward further than the likes of the contemporary instrumental bands the band decided to take the step to enlist singer Petter Carlsen to sing for the band. Having previously only had one or two tracks on their latest outing the band have upped the ante to a total of four tracks. Shortly before wowing the Boston Music Room’s in London we caught up with guitarist and song writing main man David Jordan to talk TRIPS, the metaphysical and of course Prog.