2016 Best Music Releases So Far

2016 certainly has thrown down the gauntlet in terms of Metal releases. Despite us only just coming into the month of June so far we have had some absolutely astounding releases. From comebacks to phenomenal debuts, expansive work to avant garde madness this is a list chronicling just some of the newest releases this year. Today we will be looking at some of the releases from the first third of the year and boy are there some truly top additions.

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Dream Theater Presents – The Astonishing : Live At London’s Palladium Review

Despite being one of the cornerstones in the Progressive Metal genre, Dream Theater relentlessly strive for innovation. Having moved on without drummer Portnoy the band have indeed understood their identity. Handing the reins over to guitarist and beard grower extraordinaire John Petrucci, the band’s creativity has seldom dulled in their thirty year plus career. Quite no one would anticipate their sheer level of attention to detail on their brand new release, The Astonishing. Not only one of the biggest undertakings in the band’s career but potentially in the genre all together. Putting together a live performance the likes most bands will never see, tonight we are at the mercy of The Astonishing : Live at London’s Palladium.

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