Completing their latest voyage into the unknown, Alestorm have released their brand new record No Grave But The Sea. A combination of tom foolery and absolute genius, the record was a big surprise for me. Particularly since Pirate Metal was not really my thing, I have since been won over by the scallywags!
Download 2017 – Motionless In White and The Story of Graveyard Shift
Interactions come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. From the everyday hello of bystanders to moments that for some are far more memorable. Know for their loyal fan base, Motionless In White have been in touch with their fans from the word go. Going as far as incorporating lyrics from the fans of track “Creatures” the band wanted to involve the fans further with their decision of cover artwork.
Download 2017 Adds Enormous Amount of Bands
The UK’s biggest Metal festival has announced the addition of a further 48 band’s this morning and you’ll want to check out who.