Album Review : Korn – The Serenity Of Suffering

 Settling down, having kids, becoming the all important parent ie cab driver. Suddenly you find yourself working everyday, groaning when lifting yourself out of a chair, and in the never ending efforts to retain your youth you’ve suddenly ended up with a Harley Davidson. However the mid life crisis doesn’t restrict itself solely to the middle aged parents of the world. Having somewhat of an identity crisis Korn, a Nu- Metal band, were experimenting with various different tonalities. Sadly ending up releasing The Path Of Totality in an effort to rediscover themselves. Returning in 2016 we ditch the Harley Davidson for a return to identity in the form of The Serenity Of Suffering. 

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Album Review : The Dillinger Escape Plan – Dissociation

An extension of Thomas Edison’s discovery of electricity, the lightbulb has enabled a plethora of ideas previously unexplored. However light bulbs do not last forever. Circuitry gets worn out, fuses go out and ultimately the light inside vanishes. Turn their metaphorical lightbulb from their inception back in 1997, twenty years on The Dillinger Escape Plan reach the end of their longstanding career. Jetissoning their entire creative energy into their grand finale Dissociation chanelling their potent electrical flow to finally make their incandescent light bulb explode. 

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Album Review : Blackberry Smoke – Like An Arrow

America. A country like no other, sprawling open roads, stunning vistas and some of the best Rock ‘n’ Roll the world has to offer. In keeping with this characteristic, Blackberry Smoke release their brand new album Like an Arrow merely a year after their previous effort Holding All The Roses. Wanting a slower outlook on life we enter the real America with these Georgians.

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Album Review : Wormrot – Voices

Art is the single most important vehicle for the manifestation of self expression. Able to represent emotions of an abundant quality, from joie de vie to the deeper depths of the human psyche. Without expression none of this would be possible. Jackson Pollock’s famous paint splatter an afterthought, Rothko’s intricate piecing together of colour an idealistic dream even the likes of morbid surrealist Francis Bacon would have never taken flight. Taking this idea into a musical context freedom of expression can surpass genre classification. Known for their quashing of individuality the south east has been somewhat in the dark. Vilifying this ideal Wormrot return after a five year hiatus to deliver their signature breed of Singaporean Grindcore to the masses once again but will expression triumph?

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Album Review : Meshuggah – The Violent Sleep Of Reason

“Because you’re worth it”, “Maybe it’s Maybeline” and of course the infamous “Beach Body Ready”. Living in the mass consumerist culture of the modern day people are intent on the idea of perfection. Shoehorning people into this dystopian ideal of perfection the theory creeps its way into the musical ideology. Aided and abetted by technology, music, particularly that of Metal has since devolved since the discovery of clinical machinery – ensuring this idea of perfection remains. Harbringers of this technological revolution, Meshuggah are pioneers of a sound exclusively married to perfection. Resolving to once again change the archetype Meshuggah return this year with The Violent Sleep Of Reason. Representing a paradigm shift in the genre the record was recorded entirely live. Bringing the idea of reality to their ideology of perfection, The Violent Sleep of Reason sees a band of perfect nature become imperfect for the first time. 

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Album Review : Alter Bridge – The Last Hero

Spider-Man, Batman even Superman known throughout cultures to be the flag bearers of justice and civil upstanding. Glorifying acts of kindness and examples of selflessness. Juxtapose this to the life of a firefighter, the underdog of heroism. Or perhaps the one lad that stands up for someone at school? The donor who was able to keep a person alive owing to his kindness. These are the true definition of the word hero. Taking note from past experience and current day Alter Bridge have rallied thirteen pertinent war cry’s representing these understated people to ensure that will never be The Last Hero.

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Album Review : Opeth – Sorceress

Portrayed in a multitude of characterisations the idea of the woman is that of finesse, fidelity and grace. A compassionate, caring and truly delicate symbol of fertility, culturally shown in a plethora of examples. One of the most prominent being that of the orchid a strong, sensual flower that is both beautiful yet can retain air of deception. Bottling this mystique Opeth return after severing their umbilical cord to the Death Metal accolade they have nurtured. Rebellions against the constraints of genre classification Opeth deliver their blossoming ode to fidelity in Sorceress.

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