Album Review : Lacuna Coil – Delirium

Insanities can manifest themselves in many different forms. From the everyday hustle and bustle of life to more impactful situations which can have a knock on effect to create entities the likes of depression. It can be a malleable and incredibly hard foe to tackle which is ever present throughout life whatever form it might be. Taking madness as their muse Lacuna Coil play with the idea on their brand new record Delirium.

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Album Review : Architects – All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us

Anger can be a limitless resource fuelling endeavours with avidity. Architects have long since been striving towards where they stand today, set to release their brand new album All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us the growing pains experienced by the band have led them to become a unit now solidified by the addition of guitarist Adam Christianson the Brighton quintet look to indignation in delivering their brand new record.

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Album Review : Death Angel – The Evil Divide

Music itself could be considered cyclical, an ever changing entity feeds off history, culture and aggression. Asserting it dominance in the late eighties Thrash Metal was a force to be reckoned with. Returning from the graves of the Ultra Violence Death Angel  forcefully kicked down the door once again asserting their dominance within the scene. With a three year gap between previous effort The Dream Call For Blood the band bare their teeth once again with The Evil Divide. 

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Album Review : Gruesome – Dimensions of Horror

Archetypal in the fruition of Death Metal, metal heads the world over shall forever be indebted to the genius that was Death. Pioneers of a more technical ability whilst never forgoing melody the band grew exponentially both in musical direction and philosophical ideals but it wasn’t always like that… Beginning as as a zombie munching horror loving entity before its lofty theoretical transformation. Having made their debut with Savage Land just last year Gruesome return with a brand new EP Dimensions of Horror once more to simultaneously honour and challenge Death. 

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Album Review : Destruction – Under Attack

A staple of Thrash, war has been one of the most consistent elements within the genre. Moving with the ages since the Judgement Day style Cold War prophecies to the modern day technology dominant drone warfare. Turning this idea of weaponry on its head German thrash pioneers Destruction instead point the finger at humanity to show Earth is in fact Under Attack from us. 

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Album Review : Grand Magus – Sword Songs

Despite what lead guitarists might say the almighty power behind Heavy Metal lies within the power of the riff. Master of headbangers, wielder of rhythm creating a truly brilliant riff can be difficult to master. Keeping the spirit of Heavy Metal alive we see Grand Magus once again at the vanguard of Metal with their latest release Sword Songs. Raising their banners we meet head on to see what the band’s latest battle cry sounds like. On my signal…

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