Seven More Bands Announced For This Years Bloodstock

And you thought the line up was good already!

Arguably one of the strongest lineups the festival has had this year at Bloodstock looks to be absolutely explosive. With Twisted Sister, Mastodon and Slayer headlining the festival it will no doubt be one for the books.

Announcing just today that more acts have been added joining our Metal cohorts will be Kill II This, who regroup for the festival alongside Norway’s Black Jazz pioneers Shining. The fantastically named British grindcore act Foetal Juice will also be gracing Bloodstock with their presence as will Anticlone, Myrath, Misanthrope and Vektor.

Personally I am particularly excited about seeing how Vektor go down in a live setting. After waxing lyrical about the bands brand new album the sheer amount going on in each track could make for an interesting live performance.

You can pick up weekend tickets here! 

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