An Interview With : Lord Ahriman And Heljamadr (Dark Funeral)

As the evenings come quicker and darkness comes thicker so we move into the time of winter. Returning after some time away from the Black Metal realm, Dark Funeral return once more into the fray of frost and fire. Currently on their European tour with Krisiun, we were able to catch up with both Lord Ahriman and Heljamadr on their London appearance. Sat ironclad and without the usual corpse paint get up its clear to see that both Ahriman and Heljamadr, when not on stage donning their imposing gear are simply fans of Black Metal. Revealing to us the process in which Where Shadows Forever Reign was brought to light and some of the inner turmoil members experienced and its cathartic release. We welcome you, once again, into the realm of shadows.

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Albm Review : Anaal Nathrakh – The Whole Of The Law

Newly initiated into the world of Metal, I returned home eager in anticipation to put my new addition to my slowly growing collection of CD’s on. Looking at the grey hues on the cover I was unsure what to expect. After popping the CD in and a fittingly deranged introduction, I was shown a side of Metal reserved for the true extreme. This record,the unsuspecting fifteen year old me had picked up, was In The Constellation Of The Black Widow. Cementing themselves as the most intense musical experience I had to date, Anaal Nathrakh have rarely let up since. Now ten years later, as my music taste has broadened and my appetite for the extreme has indeed grown I approach Anaal Nathrakh with a seasoned and altogether more perceptive ear. I give you, The Whole Of The Law

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