An Interview With: Dani Filth (Devilment)

Straight from the horses mouth, it’s clear that Devilment are no longer a vanity project of famed Cradle of Filth frontman Dani Filth. The production of a second album merits that fact, where time and effort have been spent into curating a dark and experimental craft of music. The outcome is ‘Devilment II – The Mephisto Waltzes‘, and we inquire into it’s development.

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Three Popular Video Game Titles That Capture the Essence of Heavy Metal

Video games and heavy metal mesh together well, in such a way that when combined, they come up with a viable product that give us a so-called heightened experience. This is also why the common majority considers them the ultimate slacker’s paradise. A vast amount of games – console, PC, and even mobile – take advantage of the genre’s aggressive nature, giving titles such as Call of Duty, Dead Space, and Gears of War the attention they deserve

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