An absolute banquet of extreme metal from all genres, from the doom laden to the melancholic, the fast paced destruction to grooving riffs this was our account of Incineration Fest.
Fear Factory Announce Genexus New Album
Fear Factory, at long last have begun the reanimate themselves to release their brand new 9th studio release Genexus.
Shining Premiere NSFW New Video
With their brand new album XI : Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, Ends been unleashed this year the band have unveiled a brand new video for “Vilja & Drom” and it’s not for the faint hearted.
Soilwork Announce New Album
Having released their live CD/DVD combo Live In Helsinki it would seem that the band are far from done this year.
What If Master of Puppets Was Played Like St. Anger?
Someone has re-recorded Metallica’s ‘Master of Puppets‘ with the snare drum from ‘St. Anger‘…this might upset you!
This Old Song From The Anastasia Movie Could Pass as a Rhapsody Song…
Part of this song from ‘Anastasia’ sounds remarkably like a Rhapsody of Fire song…
Live Review: Dir En Grey + Rise of the Northstar
Japan took over London last week with J-Rock dominating Islington as well as MCM Comic-Con expanding into the Docklands. We enjoyed every minute of it, and capped off the week with a performance from titans Dir En Grey, and Japanese-themed hardcore outfit Rise of the Northstar.
Slayer, Anthrax and Kvelertak European Tour
Having announced that Slayer will be releasing their brand new album this September, titled Repentless the record is going to be the first without Hanneman and will be very interesting to see what the thrash legends have come up with for us. After announcing this fantastic news, Slayer have now announced that they will headlining a European tour with Anthrax and Kvelertak.