Biohazard have spent the summer thus far absolutely dominating Europe, and proving that old flames still burn harder than ever before. Before their sublime London show, we caught up with guitarists Billy and Bobby to discuss a future album, and just what genre can we consider them now over their 27 years of musical progression…
Children of Bodom Stream New Album Title Track, ‘I Worship Chaos’
The Bodomites have released yet another new track available for streaming, taking it’s title after the forthcoming album ‘I Worship Chaos‘…
The Final Tech Fest Interview With : Rich and Ross (Haken)
Saving one of the best for last we come to the end of our Tech Fest interviews with the magnificent Haken. Having just floored the entire Tech Fest crowd with one of the highlights of the festival no doubt. Performing material from their acclaimed The Mountain, stating that they have time to squeeze in one last song, ie the just shy of twenty minute epic that is “Crystallised” the band were one of the stand out acts of the festival. After finishing up their set we were lucky enough to have a chat with the delightful gents that are Richard Henshall and Ross Jennings. Speaking about the band’s work on the new album, Prog in the modern day and the all important concept album we entered the weird and wonderful world of Haken, like bacon!
A Tech Fest Interview With : Kaan and Colin (No Consequence)
Nearing an end to our slightly belated Tech Fest Interview flurry we were able to speak to yet another excellent band. Having been around for quite a while now in the UK Tech scene, No Consequence are somewhat of a house hold name. With both Kaan and Colin having attended Tech Fest since it’s infancy the two couldn’t have been happier to be performing later on, on the main stage. We were able to sit down with the two and speak about the brand new album Vimana, how the band has grown over the years from their beginning and what it’s going to be like playing a guitarist down!
Jen Majura Joins Evanescene
Jen Majura, known as the bass player for folk metal titans Equilibrium, has joined gothic outfit Evanescence as a guitarist after Terry Balsamo announced his time in the band was at an end.
Karin Axelsson Officially Departs From Sonic Syndicate
Absent from the band for a while, bassist Karin Axelsson has officially announced her departure from modern metallers Sonic Syndicate.
The Book Of Opeth
To commemorate their anniversary this year not only are Opeth playing London’s Palladiun to celebrate ten years since Ghost Reveries but will also be releasing The Book Of Opeth.
Agent Fresco Streaming Destrier Album
One of the biggest highlights from last month’s UK Tech Fest were the Icelandic bunch Agent Fresco. Tomorrow their brand new album Destrier is released, their first offering since their album A Long Time Listening and now the band have made the brand new record available for your listening pleasure.