Rage Against The Machine To Release DVD

As many of our UK readers will no doubt remember back in 2010 Rage Against The Machine performed a one off show in London’s Finsbury Park, what happened was the stuff of legend but now for the first time the band are giving you the opportunity to be part of the show.

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Album Review : Act Of Defiance – Birth And The Burial

Many believe that in death there is also life. Often hearing when the older generation passes on a new born is brought into the world, chanelling our essence as humans. Deciding that they had expended their creative juices with Megadeth both guitarist Chris Broderick and drummer Shawn Drover decided to leave the band. However with the demise of one comes the Birth And The Burial.

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Live Review : Brujeria + Psycroptic + Cryptopsy + Nervosa

Line ups are one of the most crucial elements of putting a tour together. . Hailing from Brazil we have the all female cast of Nervosa, followed by the Tasmanian imports that are Psycroptic. Moving over the pond to Los Angeles we have the Mexican themed Brujeria and to top it all off we have our Canadian friends in Cryptopsy seeing us through to the end of the night. With tonight’s offering bringing all kinds of musical diversity from all over the globe, The Dome is Metal’s embassy.

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