Satyricon Frontman Diagnosed With Brain Tumour

More bad news in the Metal community with the announcement that Satyricon man Sigurd “Satyr” Wongraven has found out that there is a tumour in his brain. Stating that the singer was extremely ill and was rushed to the hospital and since then has found out that he has a “passenger” as he calls it.

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Album Review : Queensryche – Condition Hüman

Tenacity, one of the hallmarks of a truly fantastic band. After their recent court mishaps turning things into an ugly affair with previous singer Geoff Tate the future for Queensryche was for a while, uncertain. enlisting singer Todd La Torre for the band’s previous album the new line up was picked out. With this now being La Torre’s second outing has the line up remained consistent? Delve with us into the Condition Hüman.

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