Known for their grandiose stage performances Opeth are not one to do shows by halves. Easily their biggest shows to date Wembley Arena will play host to the swedes and their special sets complete with some surprises for classic fans.
Cattle Decapitation Announce US Tour
Having conquered all of the corners of Europe Cattle Decapitation announce that they will be bringing their brand of Grind back to the US this Autumn.
Darkthrone Reveal New Track “Tundra Leech”
In a slightly different reveal Darkthrone have unveiled their latest track with a little bit of spoken word as an introduction.
EP Review : Skeletonwitch – The Apothic Gloom
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, suffering somewhat of a speed bump after the set back that was the departure of longtime vocalist Chance Garnette, Skeletonwitch slowed down somewhat. After the deadly strike that was Serpents Unleashed the band were uncertain which direction to go in. Eventually settling on Wolvhammer singer Adam Clemans, cutting the band’s teeth instead of going the whole hog with an album the band settled on releasing a four track EP, The Apothic Gloom.
Touché Amoré Release New Track “Skyscraper”
Unveiling a third brand new track from the band’s forthcoming record Stage Four featuring a helping hand by female vocalist Julien Baker.
Baroness Announce Australia / New Zealand Tour
At long last the lands from down under will be able to get some of that Purple goodness.
Out of Nowhere Metallica Release A New Track…and It’s Actually Good!
Where the hell did this come from?!
Kristen May Leaves Flyleaf
Sad news for Flyleaf as yet another singer announces her abrupt departure from the band.