After releasing their brand new ass kicking album Low Teens, Every Time I Die have debuted a new video for “It Remembers”.
Meshuggah Detail Recording Process In New Studio Video
Slowly but surely we’re getting closer to the release of the band’s brand new album and today we are taken behind the scenes in PUK studios to find out what it was like recording the album.
Asphyx Debut Video
The legendary Dutch Death Metallers will be releasing their brand new album next Friday so what better way to celebrate than listening to one of their songs this Friday!
Vader Release First Track By Track To “The Empire”
Welcome to the world of The Empire and what better host than Vader’s own Piotr!
Album Review : Insomnium – Winter’s Gate
Innovation is something that often goes hand in hand with the more progressive of bands. Returning with their brand new album Winter’s Gate, Insomnium have decided to tackle the idea of the concept. With a blueprint laid out by the band’s vocalist Niilo Sevanen, from the man’s own book of the same name the band opted to transform words into music with the conceptual arc of Winter’s Gate.
A Video Interview With : Insomnium
Fortune favours the bold as the saying goes. Daring to do something different Insomnium bring an idea not previously tackled in their career. Returning to the studio after Shadows Of A Dying Sun the band were somewhat non plus send as to how they might tread their next steps. After thorough consideration the band opted for the decision to record a one track album. Encompassing all of the band’s strengths the track moves in waves. Moving back to the likes of Prog Rock classics the Finnish Metallers wanted to echo the ideas presented by the greats of our time. Birthing a living breathing map of music brought together in their patented sound. Based on the novel created by the band’s own Niilo Sevanen of the same title Winter’s Gate sees a band take on the elements and win. Triumphing over the endless pitfalls that come with undertaking a task as daunting as a one track album, the band surpass these boundaries to give one of their most engaging listens yet.
Riverside Release Statement Regarding Line Up
Having come to terms with the type of life the band will now lead following the death of guitar Piotr the band have released an in dept statement regarding the future of the band.
Parkway Drive Release Video For “Botttom Feeder”
“Now snap your neck to this!”