Recently playing an absolutely blistering set at Download Festival, Wednesday 13 took the place by storm following the release of brand new album Condolences.
Working on the brand new album Condolences, Wednesday 13 is no stranger to the strange. Known for being somewhat of a misfit be it in his Murderdolls outfit or his many other bands, the man is quite simply a delight. You wouldn’t think it however with the kind of content that is shown in his lyrics! Known for his love of Horror the man is more than well acquainted with the macabre yet what fans might not know is that the man has himself an idea for a Horror film itself and its just as horrendous as you might think.
Musically however the band are at their absolute peak with their brand new release. Working on multiple platforms, the record would appeal to longtime Wednesday fans, along with, people like myself who had not really given the band their attention before. I sorely regret having done that for so many years as the content on Condolences is absolutely genius. Being able to speak to the man shortly before his headline performance at Download, I picked his brain about Condolences and its process and found out just how messed up his idea for a Horror movie would be. Watch this space for “Soft Spot“.
Wednesday 13’s brand new album is out now via Nuclear Blast.