Scheduled to release their brand new album next week German metallers Equilibrium lift the lid on their brand new bass player.
At long last Equilibrium have announced that their brand new bass player will in fact be none other than Makki. But who is this mysterious Makki? The man has been with the band since their infancy and has since been touring the world of with them as their tour manager.
Stating that they wanted to take their time to choose a suitable bass player it would seem that Makki could have been the choice all along. Knowing the band in and out will no doubt make for a pretty smooth transition for everyone in the group.
The band themselves state :
“This time, we decided to take our time to pick a new member. We could’ve come up with the idea to hire Makki as our new bass player much earlier, since he has been on the road with us as our tour manager for many years and has already toured the world on his own. He has always been a part of the family and now we are happy to welcome him on stage with us!”
We wish Makki all the best in the band!