Protest The Hero Release New Video

Being a unique band, Protest The Hero seldom have any competition with their somehow mistifying mix of melodic, slightly over the top vocals and the fine toothed comb approach to their guitar riffs, their only real rivals are themselves. With their flawless new album Volition released last year, the boys are well and truly back, after leaving their record label and deciding to crowd fund their latest venture they have released an album that is some of the best in modern metal. With their return was a show in Newfoundland that birthed the idea for “Mist” the music video gives you a small introduction into what happened, with the popularity of the band reaching new heights the crowd rushed in and essentially moved the stage so the band had to finish the song while almost falling off, the rest of the video is Protest The Hero doing what they do best, having fun, adding in shots of them playing on cliffs etc…

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The Haunted Premiere Brand New Track

Everyone’s favourite swedes released a new track entitled “Time (Will Not Heal)” after having listened to their previous song “Cutting Teeth” which was fast paced and all over in a second, “Time (Will Not Heal)” seems to take a more groove oriented approach and progresses (forgive the pun) over time, with different elements that The Haunted have hinted at before coming to the fore, although their line up is not nearly the same to the previous Haunted this new breed seems to be firing on all cylinders. With “Time (Will Not Heal)” there are pieces of the song where they even sound industrial slightly, but this quickly banished when anthemic chorus comes in showing all the hallmarks The Haunted are known for, whilst of course have a sweet and tasteful solo in the mix to fade out to melodic guitar lines. This should get everyone excited for the return of the Swedish legends.

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Slipknot Release A New Video For The Negative One

After having endlesss amounts of teasers, Slipknot burst back onto the scene last friday with their new single “The Negative One“. Whilst on Friday you would only be able to listen to the track just the once before having to subscribe to Slipknot’s mailing list. They have now released a video for “The Negative One” which is pretty much a collection of all the teasers we had seen previous to the new song. But with a video this now means we can listen to the song as many times as we like. I must admit that “The Negative One“, initially didn’t have me bowled over, I thought that the production overall seemed very lack lustre but it seems that might have been one of the perils of streaming the song from their website. The new single is growing on me becoming more and more catchy and is quintessentially Slipknot.

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