Album Review : Amon Amarth – Jomsviking

Tragedy as an art has manifested itself in countless different forms from the earliest Greeks, innovators of theatre, until the likes of Shakespeare brought the genre home. Amon Amarth like the great Greeks see beauty in tragedy. Lying closely together lyric and story often go hand in hand, giving rise particularly recently to concept records a sudden resurgence in the pastiche of the seventies seems to be a la mode. Known for their Viking heritage Amon Amarth have consistently delivered excellent songs, cementing their reputation as steadfast heavy weights in the Death Metal arena. Drawing on their influences, having told numerous tales of bravery and valour at last Amon Amarth begin their own story.

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Fleshgod Apocalypse Live At The Underworld : Live Review

Whilst the rest of the world began to collectively fund Guiness’ breweries for yet another year, among the many gig happening in Camden tonight we were transported to The Underworld. Having released their brand new flawless record King, Fleshgod Apocalypse have begun a new chapter in their symphonic story. Taking elements from the much loved Classical movement and splicing them together with Death Metal at last the band have created a palpable world to let their music thrive in and tonight a sold out Underworld will witness these new kings save for one queen in concerto.

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An Interview With : Stef Broks (Textures)

Homogenising the bands past, present and future to mould a new era of Textures, Phenotype the bands new release, will see them breaking more new ground in the arena of Progressive Metal. Focusing the album’s thematics to mirror the conceptual idea of both genotypes and phenotypes, each one respectively reliant on the other in order to survive. One about origin another in a sense about destination. Explaining in more depth to us shortly before flooring London I was able to speak to time keeper extraordinaire Stef Broks about Textures’ past, present and very bright future.

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An Interview With : Michael Lessard (The Contortionist)

Reliant on both intuition and assessment we as a species endure the constant battle of nature versus nurture. On the one hand it is arguable that our behavioural patterns exhibit evidence of cognitive learning through the way that we are raised. However on the other hand there is the argument that our upbringing is inconsequential and that we are in fact reliant on instinct. Fascinated by these philosophical queries we spoke to The Contortionist vocalist Michael Lessard regarding their phenomenal album Language, its fruition and ultimately the very near future where we have only just seen the beginning of the bands parable.

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Album Review: Almanac – Tsar

It’s hard to imagine a time when Victor Smolski wasn’t writing. Being a fan of the guitar virtuoso since his incorporation into Rage in 1999, he has written for Mind Odyssey, Kipelov and LMO on top of his main band. After parting ways with Rage last year many imagined this might be some downtime, but Smolski has swiftly returned with a brand new band, and yet another ambitious effort in the concept of ‘Tsar‘.

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A Second Interview With : Brett Rasmussen (Ignite)

Authenticity in the modern day has become somewhat of a misnomer. Able to mask technical shortcomings, abilities are enhanced with the use of the arrays of technology now readily available. Kindly sitting down with us shortly before their performance at London’s Underworld, we spoke to Ignite bassist Brett Rasmussen once again regarding not only their brand new album A War Against You but the sheer importance of being a real live band. In a day and age when it is all too easy to conceal faults with tricks, seeing a band perform live truly separates the men from the boys and for those who might have ever seen Ignite know just how crucial this can be…

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