Album Review : DevilDriver – Trust No One

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger or so the saying goes. A necessary requirement to thrive in music is adaptability. From simple touring mishaps to larger scale operations that require serious change. Some are lucky to go their entire career with the same members however others need perspective, trials that are bigger than the road begin to appear. Having released their return to form Winter Kills, slightly disconcerting news that the band had a change in the guard. Heading into the studio to record their follow up full length but are DevilDriver a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

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Album Review : Gorguts – Pleiades’ Dust

Returning with their masterwork that was Colored Sands, consisting of a revitalised line up  which at first glance might have seemed a Frankenstein-esque creation, in fact created a paradoxically coherent sound. Primed for another onslaught of cacophony we welcome Gorguts back to the dissonant arena with opus Pleiades’ Dust.

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Album Review : Vektor – Terminal Redux

Stories have often gone hand in hand with the likes of Metal, providing a multidimensional backdrop with fluctuating tempos, moving melodies and experimentation the two have fit together perfectly. Taking the idea and running with it American born Vektor have created a concept that would sit high among the Sci-Fi epic’s. Brace for impact as we delve into Terminal Redux. 

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Impericon Fest 2016 Featuring : Hatebreed, Northlane, Emmure and More!

Slowly but surely expanding their scope over the years Impericon have become a force to be reckoned with, returning once again to London the carnival of Hardcore horrors arrives for yet another year of breakdowns and blast beats. Fronted this year by Hatebreed with their imminent release of the new ripped The Concrete Confessional arriving next week however before the imperious perror acne of our Hardcore underdogs we had some new blood to sink our teeth into.

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An Interview With : Brad Marr (Massive)

As the saying goes travel broadens the mind, a statement that would never be more apt for the life of a band on the road. Having just released their brand new album Destination Somewhere, Massive are beginning their next chapter in their career. Having penned the album all over the world, a deceptive meandering title for the bands unrelenting hunger to tour the world as much as possible. Which conseuqently had an affect of unintentionally creating a more rounded sound since their first listen. We were able to call up Massive singer Brad Marr to speak to the man about life on the road, the scene down under and of course Destination Somewhere.

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An Interview With: Ryan Leitru (For Today)

We’ve said it before. We think metalcore is stale. Yet somehow Iowa genre veterans managed to breathe some new life with their album ‘Wake’ released last year. We take the opportunity to talk to guitarist Ryan Leitru about what he thinks the current state of metalcore is, and of course about the development of the album that sparked our attention into the genre again.

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