Behemoth’s Nergal Opens A Barbershop


Nergal is a creative force that is never short of surprising new talents – and his next venture – hairdressing!

The Behemoth frontman has announced that he will be opening a new barbershop in his native Poland in the city of Warsaw. There is a name for it, and it’s so cheesy that it’s fantastic…

The name of the new shop is ‘Barberian‘, and will cater to the heathens of Warsaw and provide some style options a la Behemoth.

It is interesting how the shop opens right after an interview stating how Nergal wishes to pursue new ventures as he feels he’s hit a roadblock with Behemoth with the release of ‘The Satanist‘. Perhaps this is a sign that Behemoth might take a hiatus after the current tour wraps up?

See a photo from the opening of the new barbershop below:


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