An Interview With : Jamie Graham (Heart Of A Coward) 

Climbing the ranks quickly in the world of Modern Metal , Heart Of A Coward are among the best going today. Releasing their previous album Severance and embarking on an intense touring schedule it has been the band grow bigger and bigger, to accomplish what many bands will not have accomplished in their life time. Now on album number three with a Download performance on the main stage under their belt, we were lucky enough to speak to singer and true gent Jamie Graham surrounding their brand new release. Speaking of the album’s overall themes, what the future holds for the boys in Heart Of A Coward and some of the singers biggest influences, all the while U.S. both being painfuly British. Enjoy!

So the new album Deliverance as you mentioned, what sort of themes are explored on the new album? 

Well every song has got kind of like an individual thing behind it. It’s not like a running theme throughout so I guess you just have to read the lyrics and figure it out. If Severance is about kind of moving away from the things that are holding you back or bringing you down and moving forward from it Deliverance, in terms of why we called it that, most of the songs relate to something coming to fruition or coming to an end. The aftermath of something. We thought that was a fitting title for it all the songs are quite conclusive, whilst Severance leaves stuff quite open ended. 

Ok! That’s interesting, so that was intentional then?

It wasn’t at the time but once we realised, we looked back at the last record and looked at this one and the differences between them and the similarities and thought actually this could work if we tied it all together. Actually the music came before any of the conceptual ideas or the lyrics or anything. 

Is that how you normally write? You do the music first?

To be honest there is no way that we normally write. As much as we are into our third album and that’s fairly far along you need to get to album sort of four or five to get to now the way that you should writing as a band. I think it takes a couple of albums to realise how the musicians gel. Sometimes you will have a single song writer and people will learn that song, sometimes you’ll have everyone macking riffs and someone will change the arrangement completely. It does vary with our music, I think in terms of genre Carl does the bulk of the writing but then Steve comes out with riffs that just completely change a song. Sometimes Carl will write a while song and Steve will write a riff and we will change the song Carl has written around Steve’s riff. Or V will write a riff on bass that will transpose over onto guitar, you know you can spot the ones that have been written by a single person. But we’re not going to tell you which ones! 

You can listen to the full unedited interview with Jamie above along with many more interview on our Soundcloud page!

Heart Of A Cowards brand new album Deliverance is out now via Century Media


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