Textures Confirm New Album Release This Year


Carrying on with the fantastic news that the beginning of e year is bringing us, we are now led to believe that Textures will indeed be releasing new material as well as the plethora of other bands. Some changes have been made however since their last album, released four years ago in 2011, Dualism.

With a change in guitar guard where there was the departure of long time guitarist Jochem Jacobs in 2013 announcing that his successor would be Joe Tal the band resolved to continue on, not that they weren’t strangers to line up changes…

“Happy new year everyone! After a year of ultimate highs, including Polars 10th anniversary Tour through Europe, 2015 will be a year of new insights. This will be the year in which we will record and release our 5th record and it will be one to look forward to!! See you soon!!! Have a great year everyone!”

So there we have it, from the band themselves, it will be interesting to see if there is a change in the sound since long time member Jacobs has now left, although it has been four years coming the new album will surely be worth the wait. More news as and when we hear it!

Why not for now, marvel in the genius of the fantastic “Reaching Home

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