Isis Band Mistaken As Militant Group on Facebook


The defunct prog-rock group Isis has had their Facebook page attacked after being mistaken for the Iraqi miltant group ISIS currently being condemned worldwide by media outlets for their actions in Iraq.

The band were reportedly suprised about the comments left on their Facebook page which serves as the band’s legacy after they called it quits 4 years ago, and were forced to change the name of their page to ‘Isis the band’ to avoid any further confusion.

Drummer Aaron Harris spoke out on the situation:

“It certainly caught us off guard,”

“Fans have emailed us that they’re reluctant to wear our T-shirts now and we’ve also gotten some off-color comments,”

“Just like our fans, we’ve been watching the news in disbelief. We haven’t commented on it because we haven’t been an active band since 2010, even though our music does live on. We maintain our Facebook page to keep people up to date on our current musical projects.”

The internet is still a harsh mistress, it is a shame but nothing will ever change about that!

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