Able to withstand relentless barrage of attacks, the German Panzer unit were a site to behold. Owing to their incredible sense of engineering, in effect created one of the sturdiest war machines in memory. Taking a leaf out of the Panzer’s book, Vader, are very much this embodiment of the steadfast. Sticking to their proverbial guns the band have been releasing albums consistently for years upon years, which in essence sound the same but what makes us want to keep coming back to them? Cautioning us forward as we step into the military zone we are welcomed into the age of The Empire.
- Angels Of Steel
- Tempest
- Prayer To The God Of War
- Iron Reign
- No Gravity
- Genocidius
- The Army-Geddon
- Feel My Pain
- Parabellum
- Send Me Back To Hell
[record_label]Nuclear Blast Records[/record_label]
[release_date]November 4th 2016[/release_date]
Wasting no time in getting back to basics Vader open the record with the hammer on worship of “Angels Of Steel” sees our listeners right at home. Lasting just over the patented Slayer time line of 29 minutes The Empire is a full blown assault. Not one for subtlety the band are content with sonically obliterating the opposition with the furious “Tempest”.
Always being sleek if their approach might well be predictable the hilariously titled “The Army-Geddon” works as a tip of the Death Metal hat. Tremolo picked riffs are brought into the limelight with some wonderful half time feel brought in for good measure. It’s not all imaginary warfare however “No Gravity” chronicles the more immediate war zone of the pit. Giving comparisons to battle fronts as walls of death and circle pits as mortar rounds is certainly an entertaining take on the classic ode to a mosh.
Nevertheless The Empire is a Vader album. Of course this sentiment could never be a bad thing because the band are simply brilliant at what they do. With some experimentation in Tibi Et Igni, perhaps following their recent return to their roots performing their first four EP’s live has made the band want to return to a classic Death Metal / Thrash sound. For those who might have clamped onto Iron Times there will be a sense of familiarity with both tracks included from the EP. “Parabellum” in particular though delivers with as much intensity as it does accuracy. Long time fans will of course jump at the moment The Empire is unveiled; along with reeling in new, younger fans but for fans who thought the band might have evolved somewhat The Empire could be seen as a regression. Knowing what they do and knowing what that they do it well can sometimes prove to be a double edged sword. Depending on your outlook on the band and their evolution, you could find yourself at very different ends of the blade.
[why]Depending on where you stand with Vader you could be content or somewhat let down. Putting together a brilliant Death Metal album yet somehow regressing in their formula. Whatever you’re opinion, it sounds like Vader. [/why]
If you like what you read / heard then you can pick up the record here!