Perhaps one of the anomalies of Damnation, Maybeshewill have returned for the final time to the hallowed halls of Damnation. Taking the decision to stop touring and maybe the band altogether the lads in Maybeshewill had a fantastic send off in their Leeds home away from home. Culminating in a London Koko date the band will be performing farewell shows in 2016 ending on April 15th. After their fantastic performance we were able to catch up with drummer and guitarists James, John and Robin to find out just why the band decided to call it a day and whether it will mean the end of the band or simply their live presence…
You’ve mentioned earlier that you have played Damnation before, but in a weird way it’s quite an odd crowd… How did you guys get the gig?
John :The first time that we were booked for it we were like, what?! Is this right? Haha. Pig Destroyer, Lawnmower Death.
James : Even just our font on the poster looked weird compared to everyone else haha!
Robin :I guess we were pretty apprehensive about the first time we played, thinking are we just going to get booed? Will people just walk out? I think because of the nature of the festival, they book more kind of alternative sort of left field kind of stuff. So people who are into that sort of things are usually more open minded, willing to give us a chance. We had a really good reception the first time and every time we have been back its been awesome too! So yea it’s kind of strange that we can kind of straddle the two camps, we’ve got the heavy stuff and the not so heavy stuff but it’s cool because it means you get to go and do the shows.
On a not so great note, I have heard that you guys are planning on not touring anymore…
John : As of next year, yeah..
Why, in the plainest English!
John : It feels like the right time to draw a line under Maybeshewill, go out on a high , do the best tr that we will ever get to do.
Robin : We’ve been doing the band for ten years and touring pretty heavily for a lot of that time and without wanting to sound to sort of like dismissive, not appreciating appreciating what we have to do it does takes tole on your life outside of the band. You have to give up a lot of things, so,etimes that can be really difficult. Some of the thinking behind stopping touring is just because a lot of it got in the way of other things that we wanted to pursue in life. It’s not an easy decision to make but like John said we have had a really good run and to go out on a point where we’re all really pleased with what we have done, yeah go out on a high.
John : it’s been a long and difficult decision but we think it’s the right one…