Tool Members Issue Updated Ensuring That The Album Is Under Way


At last we seem to have a geniune idea of what is happening over in the Tool camp. According to both Adam Jones and Danny Carey the band have currently one song that is 10 minutes long Adam Jones states.

“Sometimes I feel we get a little too proggy or too into exploring time signatures but not getting heavy enough for my taste,” Jones says. “There are some good nose-bleeding riffs happening, and I’m really happy about that. It’s not out-of-the-gate crazy heavy, but there are these little journeys with nice paths that end up very heavy.”


Aswell as having another song that is “pretty much there” so as they say patience is most definitely a virtue, “I’m hoping that we have something really solid recorded by the end of the year” fingers crossed for everyone we think. After their last album the magnificent 10,000 Days, Tool got into a lawsuit regarding the art of the logo of the band which then created a snowball effect of lawsuits which leads them to their latest which is to be in January over a counter lawsuit of another company. But in short, the album is getting there we shall leave you with the words from Jones himself 

“We’ve been working at our own pace, but we don’t want to put out something and go, ‘This song’s fine, just put it out.’ I’m never gonna put something out where later, I go, ‘Fuck, I wish we hadn’t done that.’ We’re just not going to settle for doing anything but our best work, and the fans appreciate that.”


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