Album Review : Grave – Out Of Respect For The Dead

In the modern day it seems that the idea of paramount importance is to remain apparent. Bringing technicality to the fore with the aid of new age technology band’s these days just don’t quite have the same soul as blood soaked groups of yesterday. Never bending at the knee of the modern trends Grave have been slowly lowering themselves six feet under. With this their eleventh full length the band haven’t had their claws dulled in the least.

1. Intro / Mass Grave Mass

2. Flesh Before My Eyes

3. Plain Pine Box

4. Out Of Respect For The Dead

5. The Ominous “They”

6. Redeemed Through Hate

7. Deified

8. Trail Of Ungodly Trades

9. Grotesque Glory

[record_label]Century Media Records[/record_label]
[release_date]October 16th 2015[/release_date]

The spliced together “Intro / Mass Black Mass” see’s an introduction of lightly distorted guitar before the definitive punch of Old School Death Metal kicks in. From then on much of the album doesn’t let go. Ironically a music of such simplicity in what is traditionally a fairly musical dexterous genre might be easy to replicate but incredibly hard to do well. Countless 90’s Death Metal enthusiasts emerge year after year each sounding the same, yet what has kept Grave from it’s undead clutches seems to be the band’s concrete song writing.

Rather than opt for a full on assault the band vary the pace of tracks from the absolutely anvil heavy “Plain Pine Box” that would get even the Juggernaut off to a running start, to the remoresless aggression of title track “Out Of Respect For The Dead“. Consistently varying tempos ensuring that the listener doesn’t get bored and let attentions waver as it is possible particularly in OSDM. Not to mention clever dynamics of carefully placed vocal pauses before the vomiting of Lindgren’s carefully chosen lyrics lend to the idea of impact.

Tracks like “Deified” include hammering drums courtesy of Ronnie Bergerstahl rousing crowds the world over to join the band in their latest descent into the netherealm. Though originally the production behind the record appeared slightly too rough around the edges, it gives enough emphasis on the vocals without them being drowned out by the often belligerent guitars. The horrifically titled “The Ominous “They” ” works in tandem with the ghoulish aesthetic adopted by the band. Rolling at a slightly slower pace yet easily being one of both the most memorable and  most ruinous on the record. Both lyrics and music working in perfect harmony with one another each reliant  to deliver a sense of foreboding much like the classic horror novellas creates a fantastically eerie ambience.

Much like the perfect artwork constructed by our master of the macabre Costin Chioreneau the album works with perspective. The dramatic finale of nine minute closer “Grotesque Glory” is not only ambitious but experimental. Commendable in a genre with such rigid constraints. Holding the listener’s attention for that long is a testament to the ability of the band. Knowing exactly where to implement the killing blow the track oscillates between lethargic lumbering and rampaging riffing including a tasteful melodic solo nonetheless.

It would seem that Out Of Respect For The Dead is not going to be the final nail in Grave’s coffin yet. For those who are firmly in the newer generation of sounds then perhaps this will not appeal, but for those whose gateways were opened with the likes of Altars of Madness or Left Hand Path then look no further. Returning with an album that is as accomplished as it is ferocious the Swede’s have created yet another brilliant addition to their already revolting canon.

[why]Out Of Respect For The Dead is a fantastic triumph showcasing why in the modern day we still respect the old classics. Coming back from beyond the Grave we’re pulled six feet under once more.[/why]

If you like what you read / heard then you can pick up the album here!

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