A Tech Fest Interview With : Carl and Vishal (Heart Of A Coward)

Poised to release their brand new album later this year Heart Of A Coward have been growing from strength to strength. With their previous release, the Danny Dyer loving Severance, reaching out to fans all over the world it has seen the band grow exponentially. At Tech Fest since it’s infancy the band have slowly been climbing up the musical food chain, leading to their absolutely incredible performance at Saturday’s headliner slot complete with an appearance of the Sweetness Owl! Before that however we were lucky enough to be able to speak to both the delightful Carl Ayers and Vishal Khetia about the new album, what it means to be head lining this year’s festival and how they have come to have such an extensive fanbase!

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UK Tech Fest Day Three : Sunday

Having had our bones rattled after the performance of Heart Of A Coward, we then slunk off to the after party. Amid the beers we caught a performance once again from Sithu Aye along with a little help from Plini. Performing material from the split EP the two had worked it was undoubtedly one of the best jams I have heard in a long while. Complete with scetions of classic AC/DC as well! Not to mention the acoustic wizard that was Sean De Burca performing some incredibly dexterous acoustic material before the Plini / Sithu Aye jam bonanza.

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UK Tech Fest Day Two : Saturday

Recovering from the initial wave of fantastic bands that performed the day before, we dusted off our proverbial shoulders and got ready to get right back at it. Today we would see the likes of instrumental mastery, a true set of firsts and the arrival of what can only be known as “The Sweetness Owl“…

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UK Tech Fest Day One : Friday

Arriving at this years UK Tech Fest it was apparent that this was not going to be like most others. Moving through the throes of of tents until we found a section fit to pitch, from entering the festival both bands and punters retained incredibly tight knit sense of community. Very much the heart and soul of the Tech Fest ethos, the festival thrives on interactions. As we geared up for the first day, we were about to find out exactly just how eclectic the mix of UK Tech Fest could truly be…

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