An Interview With : Ludwig Witt (Grand Magus)

Cementing their reputation in the world of contemporary Heavy Metal this May with their ironclad new effort Sword Songs JB and his cohorts once again put on their metaphorical armour to ride into the battlefield of the stage. Bringing together quintessential elements of what makes up Grand Magus, thematically revolving around tales of the valiant and brave put together with their Maiden worthy choruses Grand Magus are beginning to become in a league totally of their own.

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Album Review : Grand Magus – Sword Songs

Despite what lead guitarists might say the almighty power behind Heavy Metal lies within the power of the riff. Master of headbangers, wielder of rhythm creating a truly brilliant riff can be difficult to master. Keeping the spirit of Heavy Metal alive we see Grand Magus once again at the vanguard of Metal with their latest release Sword Songs. Raising their banners we meet head on to see what the band’s latest battle cry sounds like. On my signal…

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