An Interview With : Scott Carstairs (Fallujah)

Creativity has always been one of the corner stones of a progressive nature. The sense of the inquisitive has lead to some of the biggest musical advances in recent years. In an age where almost everything has already been done there comes a time when innovation seeks out new blood. Signing a major record deal last year Fallujah began carving their next step in their process of evolution after the critically acclaimed The Flesh Prevails. Very luckily available to speak with guitar maestro Scott Carstairs on the band’s recent UK appearance we spoke to the man about the recording and writing process for the brand new album, what themes we can expect and just what makes them such a powerfully creative force.

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An Interview With : Victor Brandt (Firespawn)

The term supergroup can sometimes be thrown around for lack of a better name. Deciding to join forces last year saw the release of one of the best Death Metal albums yet, with both LG Petrov and Victor Brandt of Entombed AD fame along with guitarist Fredrik Folkare of Unleashed, Matte Madiro and Alex the band created a fantastic take on the classic Death Metal formula. Victor kindly enough sat down with us to talk about the debut record, what it’s like being a fan of Death Metal in the modern day and the unlikely hero of the album, melody.

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An Interview With : Juuso Rattikainen (Swallow The Sun)

As we moved into the tail end of last year’s brand new releases, we came to greet one of the most ambitious releases of 2015. In the day and age we live in now demanding people’s attention is a tricky affair, with bands like Periphery opting for the release of a double album, Prog heavy weights Dream Theater also deciding to go down the same route but none have the kind of ambition taken on by Swallow The Sun. Taking the high road and releasing a triple album the Finns had their work cut out for them but had they bitten off more than they could chew? We spoke to Juuso Rattikainen the band’s drummer regarding the recording and writing process for this behemoth of an album, whether he thought that releasing an album the same running time as  Lord of the Rings was a risky move in this instant gratification age and what the band’s plans are now for 2016. 

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An Interview With : Spencer Sotelo (Periphery)

Bringing 2015 to fittingly dramatic end, Periphery went on a monumental European tour. Supporting their critically acclaimed brand new double album released at the beginning of the year Juggernaut : Alpha and Juggernaut : Omega. In the ready to access day and age of music, a bold move to release something as lengthy as a double album. Prior to Periphery absolutely blinding London with their headline show, we were lucky enough to be able to speak to vocalist Spencer Sotelo. Understanding exactly how the band tackled such a daunting task of a double album, what the album’s cryptic storyline alludes to and how the singer has truly come into a world of his own we find out just what life is like for these Juggernaut’s.

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An Interview With : Jeff Matz (High On Fire)

Shortly before the commencement of the Christmas festivities we were able to speak to High on Fire’s own Jeff Matz. Unleashing yet another solid stellar effort in the form of Luminiferous the band show no signs of weakening. Speaking to the bassist we asked the man, what some of his biggest influences included, what it was like to return to God City Studios to record the new album and much more! Listen to the full interview below this excerpt for the unedited chat.

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An Interview With : Oscar Carlquist (Ram)

The idea of having Metal as a genre to become somewhat of a movement is an interesting one. Releasing their brand new album Svbversvm this year, we welcome back RAM to the scene. Delvering classic Heavy Metal sounds with stories similar to the classic Escape From New York style. The minority is constantly against the collective, we were able to speak to the bands vocalist Oscar Carlquist for a real low down on what the entire process behind creating the album was like, what the overlying themes might be and the esoteric value of Metal as a movement itself. Listen to the unedited interview below this excerpt!

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A Damnation Interview With : Robin Staps (The Ocean) 

Releasing their brand new split EP with Post Rock kings Mono, The Ocean have been fairly busy in the year of 2015. Attending this year’s Damnation, along with the absolutely fantastic live performance we were able to speak to the band’s mastermind Robin Staps. Enlightening us about how the split came to be, how it was recorded and what made the bands decide on an EP together we find out more about The Quiet Observer along with some more tantalising news of a new album. Outlining the current process of writing for their new album, with the artist single handedly crafting their brilliant Pelagial the band opt for a more dynamic approach this time round. Listen to the full interview in our Soundcloud file below the excerpt of the interview.

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A Damnation Interview With : John, James and Robin (Maybeshewill)

Perhaps one of the anomalies of Damnation, Maybeshewill have returned for the final time to the hallowed halls of Damnation. Taking the decision to stop touring and maybe the band altogether the lads in Maybeshewill had a fantastic send off in their Leeds home away from home. Culminating in a London Koko date the band will be performing farewell shows in 2016 ending on April 15th. After their fantastic performance we were able to catch up with drummer and guitarists James, John and Robin to find out just why the band decided to call it a day and whether it will mean the end of the band or simply their live presence… 

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